Tonight, the bracket for the NCAA Division I Women's Basketball Tournament was revealed; unsurprisingly, the undefeated NCAA basketball 107-win-streak-holding UConn team was the number 1 overall seed. 107 wins dwarfs the previous record, the UCLA Men's 88 wins under (my fellow Boilermaker) John Wooden between January of 1971 and January of 1974 (1). The probability of a team to have 107 straight wins, given a naive assumption of a 50% chance of winning, is 6.1630E-31% (2). Ignoring the rounding resulting from using 64 bit floating point arithmetic, that is roughly a 1-in-162,259,276,829,213,000,000,000,000,000,000 chance. For comparison, the diameter of the Universe is "only" 5.5E23 miles (3), and the odds of winning the Powerball Jackpot is 1-in- 292,201,338 (or 0.0000003422% probability) (4). One would have to win the Powerball 3.8 times to equal the probability of a NCAA basketball team having a streak like UConn has. Of course, UConn is no average team who woul...